

Supported by the City of Melbourne COVID-19 Arts Grants

City, 2020. Etching ink, Acrylic Pain on OSB (enquire)


supplementing the real with the virtual reminded me of the conversation I was trying to expose in my work. At that moment I looked at my work and saw its darker side. The noise and distortion I was introducing through materiality was creating uncertainty, and by mirroring the shapes in the composition I was transforming the architectural spaces in the works. The laneways were confronting, alternate realities. Rather than finding myself walking through, I became disoriented, lost inside the space of the work.


Labyrinth remote viewer, is an arrangement of devices that help to position you in the Space for the conversation. 

Select parts of these discussions will be published in AR/VR for a persistent asynchronous digital experience of Labyrinth if Richard has your Consent.

Remote viewers are invited to participate in evolving digital representations of Labyrinth.

You are encouraged scedule a conversation with Richard Blackwell, via Instagram.

Make an appointment Here.


In Labyrinth Offset Surface, a unique series of robotic drawings, I allow the precision and repeatability of computer aided manufacturing to expose the idiosyncratic. As a robotic arm creates the drawing, countless unpredictable factors affect the result. There are tiny imperfections in paper, changes in the humidity in the room, dust and particles falling through the air. I noticed how the flexible pen nib bends as it makes a turn on the paper and how the texture of the paper draws ink from its capillaries at varying rates.

Richard Blackwell LOS Artist Profile Edition 2020 Marker Felt on Yupo Paper 230 by 275mm (2of2).jpg